
Monday, mail and some other things..

Hello my loved ones! This will be a hectic week and it started with hours of trying to get my email back on track. Now it seems like it's working at least, but my inbox is a mess. Guess I'll get used to it.

Those who have tried to email me since friday lunch probably got a mailer demon message that said my email address could not be found. Sorry about that. So far you can at least reach me at maria(at)cloo.se, and I will try to get the info(at)cloo.se working asap.

Photos from this saturday? Yes! I have them! :)

In Swedish / På Svenska:

Nu är mailen äntligen igång igen, fast min inkorg är helt bananas. Ni som försökt maila mig sedan fredag lunch har nog fått en studs som sa att min mailadress inte fanns. Nu finns i alla fall maria(at)cloo.se och jag ska försöka få igång info(at)cloo.se under dagen.

Nyfikna på bilderna från i lördags? Jag har dem! :)

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